Vanesa Kleva
Vanesa Kleva is the Piano Loop Festival, Piano Loop Academy and Piano Loop Competition founder and director. She was born in 1982. and started playing piano at the age of 6. She completed her studies at the Music Academy UMAS in Split, after spending short time as a gast Studentin at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main. Over the years she studdied with numerous professors: R.Kerrer, L.Natochenny, I.Lazko, L.Baranyay, R.Gubaidulin, O.Cinkoburova, M.Ambokadze and many others.
Soon upon starting her job at the Music School Josip Hatze in Split as a piano teacher and piano accompanist at the Music Academy UMAS in Split she established Piano projekt Association which hosted numerous pianists and piano master classes since 2010 (I.Pogorelić, N.Lugansky, D.Shishkin, L.Natochenny, N.Trull, A.Frolich, G.Gruzman, K.Gekić, I.Lazko, R.Dalibaltayan, Y.Martynov, S.Korolev, M.Filjak, G.Filipec, I.Krpan, A.Jurinić).
She has been a jury member of the 17.Mozarte International Piano Competition, professional Category, held in Aachen, Germany, 2021. and a pre-selection jury member of the 33.International Ferrol Piano Competition. She has been a member of the Croatian National Theter Split Arts council member from 2008 - 2010. She is a president of City of Split Arts Council since 2022. and a president of Piano projekt Association since 2010.
She participated in conference „Baština i lokalni razvoj: Uz osvrt na francusko iskustvo kulturnih politika”, HAZU,2018., „4.Alumni club” of the Music Department of Music Academy Split, UMAS-a in 2019. and in the conference From Dante to the present da yin 2021 of the University of Split Faculty of Philosophy.
In 2006, she enrolled in Filosofska Fakulteta Universe v Ljubljani, the Master degree in Psychology of Music and in 2020 she started interdisciplinary PhD studdies at the University of Split Faculty of Philosophy.